SVA Thesis: 2nd Semester Kick-off

Scott Zachau
2 min readJan 18, 2021


Post Summary

For this week’s post, our task is to reflect on what we accomplished last semester and highlight our weak and strong points.

Semester Reflection

Strong Points:

I feel that both my desk and user research is strong. It supports my problem statement and validates that young professionals have difficulty establishing a proper investing strategy.

Weak Points

I am not super satisfied with my concept. The value proposition is strong, but the way in which I deliver the value is undefined.

I am also struggling with how to create a prototype that will produce proper signals because my concept relies on a personalized recommendation system and content.

Moving Forward

My goals for this semester are to:

  1. Define through testing which component of my concept is most valuable and focus on bringing that feature/feature set to life.
  2. Explore different ways to communicate the value of investing to young professionals and TEST to see which method is most impactful.
  3. Explore prototyping tools that enable me to deliver a “semi-personalized” experience to potential users.
  4. Speak with a financial advisor to learn more about what is necessary to establish a long term investing strategy.

