SVA IXD Thesis: The Kickoff

Scott Zachau
2 min readOct 5, 2020



Hello thesis!

This first medium post kicks off my 2020–2021 thesis adventure in the School of Visual Arts Interaction design MFA program.

For the next 9 months, I’ll be chronicling my research, process, pivots, and eventual solution in this blog series.

For those of you reading this, I hope you’ll enjoy my journey through the realm of ambiguity as much as I will!

Topic of this week’s post:
1) Reflect on your hopes and fears for thesis
2) Explore preliminary research topics

Hopes for Thesis

I really dig the idea of thesis. In fact, one of the core reasons I chose to apply to SVA IxD was for this very opportunity.

In a past life, I've founded a company, launched new products, and successfully raised funds for nascent ventures. My strategy is to approach thesis with the same mindset — explore potential problem areas ripe for disruption and develop a compelling narrative to support its value to the world.

If a new business is born out of this educational exercise, that would be awesome, but if it doesn't, that's ok too. I’m more interested in indulging my curiosities.

In my previous work, resources and access to capital greatly influenced my solution space. Since thesis exists in academia, I want to push myself to “think bigger”. This doesn’t mean I’m going to completely disregard a concept's desirability, viability, and feasibility. It more so means that no problem is too big to challenge and domain expertise is not a required prerequisite— finance, healthcare, big data…bring it on!


TBH, at this moment, I really don’t have any fears about thesis — although that might changes as time progresses.

In the real world, I’ve failed and “built the wrong thing” before. Those consequences were very real. But this is academia baby, and I’ve got 9 months hit roadblocks and get back on my horse. I’m gonna seize that freedom and see where it takes me.

List of Potential Topics

Here’s my list for now, this might change, but my gut is telling me to explore the world of investment services. It’s a topic I’ve wanted to learn more about for a while, and I’m ready to “invest” the time and effort to become dangerous in the space.

  1. Millennials + Investing
  2. Ethics in the democratization of financial services
  3. Golf Fitting Technology
  4. Behavioral Insurance Policies
  5. Film Production Technology

See ya, next week folks,


